Saturday, February 8, 2025

About Me

Kevin Wade Johnson began writing fiction in the 1970s, and began getting serious about it in the following decade, as the embedded image shows.

Fiction had to take a back seat to the more technical writing required in a thirty-year career within the Defense Department, active-duty and civilian.  In the course of a career learning foreign languages, cultures, history, and more, he focused more and more on teaching effective communication, and capped off his tenure by writing The Neglected Giant: Agnes Meyer Driscoll (link current as of November 2024), the free, award-winning, published biography of a pioneering codebreaker.  Before retiring he had a short story published in a regional anthology; not long after, and then since retiring, he has self-published numerous novels, novellas and collections, all of which are free ebooks.  For ten years he posted thought pieces, free fiction and more at; most of these articles have been moved to ebooks.

Those ebooks and the others are at

I do plan to flesh this out some more in the future.

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