Monday, March 10, 2025

My Publications


I always need to challenge myself somehow with what I write, or I lose interest.  I also like a level of challenge as a reader.  Not all of you do, so I've followed this list of my works, in publication order, with a note on which are the easiest reads.

See the sidebar for links to all of these (everything self-published is in the Free Ebooks one); everything but Lower than the Angels is a free ebook. 

By the way - no AI has been or ever will be used in producing any of my works, including artwork.   What fun would that be?!


"Flip of a Coin" in Lower than the Angels
The Neglected Giant: Agnes Meyer Driscoll


Collections and Novellas
1.    Ice Cold and Other Stories: Expanded Edition
2.    Aunt Gabby Saves the Universe!
3.    Ghost Mode
4.    Eleven Nonsense Rhymes and a Handful of Poems
5.    Fallen into Shadows
6.    The Adventures of Princess Onesie and Fairy Friend
7.    Trouble Magnet
8.    "How to Write" - An Approach That Worked for Me
9.    Parallel Worlds and Skew - Essays and Reflections
10.   Second-Best with a Sword and Other Stories
11.   300-Plus Problem Words and Phrases
12.   Worlds of Wonder - Essays on Writing - Reflections on Life

1.    Roads Between Worlds
2.    T-Man
3.    Shadows Between Worlds
4.    Across the Worlds with Aimee and Phineas
5.    Department G
6.    Rivers Between Worlds
7.    In Solstice and in Peril
8.    US Gummint Cunning Man
9.    End of the Line
10.   Faker
11.   Shadowed
12.   Souls Between Worlds
13.   Traveling the Transdimensional Highway
14.   Making It Home
15.   Thresholds
16.   In the Service of the Queen
17.   In the Service of the Prince
18.   In the Service of the Heir
19.   A House Between Worlds
20.   Traders (coming "soon")

"Easy Reads"

My shorter fiction and collections are easy enough reads, generally, but some of my novels may challenge you as a reader more than you like.

These are the more "accessible," "easy reads" among my novels, from the #1 easiest to #8:
1. In Solstice and in Peril
2. End of the Line
3-5. In the Service series (three novels)
6. Traders (coming "soon")
7. Making It Home
8. Across the Worlds with Aimee and Phineas

Monday, February 10, 2025

If I Find a Rainbow Bridge One Day

If I find a rainbow bridge one day
I hope that you'll be there
Maybe you won't be waiting
Maybe your heart is bare

Maybe you feel unwanted
That you were not in our hearts
Since you were never adopted
At the end or near the start

You seemed to be improving
You'd even regained weight
We didn't know that there was more
We found out far too late

You came along too late for us
You were too old, too ill
The choice was taken 'way from us
Sweet one, a bitter pill

If you find a rainbow bridge today
Join the others we'll look for
I swear to you that in our minds
We loved you as much or more

We were able to adopt our foster kitty at the last minute.  No one should go to their death unwanted

Saturday, February 8, 2025

About Me

Kevin Wade Johnson began writing fiction in the 1970s, and began getting serious about it in the following decade, as the embedded image shows.

Fiction had to take a back seat to the more technical writing required in a thirty-year career within the Defense Department, active-duty and civilian.  In the course of a career learning foreign languages, cultures, history, and more, he focused more and more on teaching effective communication, and capped off his tenure by writing The Neglected Giant: Agnes Meyer Driscoll (link current as of November 2024), the free, award-winning, published biography of a pioneering codebreaker.  Before retiring he had a short story published in a regional anthology; not long after, and then since retiring, he has self-published numerous novels, novellas and collections, all of which are free ebooks.  For ten years he posted thought pieces, free fiction and more at; most of these articles have been moved to ebooks.

Those ebooks and the others are at

I do plan to flesh this out some more in the future.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

A House Between Worlds (free ebook)

El Jefe rules the country, and has for a dozen years.  Has ruled disastrously.

His early decision to expel every Muslim, his decision to send in the military to do so, the mutinies and desertions that followed, all had caused global economic disaster.  With healthcare being ruined, the nation and world had suffered economic, health, and population collapse.

Of course there were those who fought against his rule and his "Provisional" Security Teams.  They sought independence from his tyranny, though they hadn't issued any formal declaration, like the one made a couple of centuries before.  But, like that time long ago, they were outgunned and out-organized.  Eventually they might have prevailed as their predecessors did.  But in the meantime they needed something or some place that would aid their resistance.  (As their predecessors had.)

A few of them found a cabin lost in the woods.  A house.  A house between worlds.

A House Between Worlds is available here.

All my (free) ebooks are at