Tuesday, February 23, 2021

In Solstice and in Peril—Free Ebook

In Solstice and in Peril is now on Gutenberg as a free ebook.

All my books on Gutenberg are now here, and this is the blog entry I keep updated on my self-publications.

A young man already promising to grow to great size and athleticism, a budding warrior.  Once he leaves the failing inn on the edge of the Wastes, he has to make his way in the world.  But how?  Becoming a mercenary soldier is a good first step, but does he want to follow orders his whole life?  Or give them?  When Bear meets the mysterious youth called Mouse, he realizes that the two of them together might be able to call their own shots, and live an independent life.  He doesn't hesitate...

What might their life be like?  What might it be like to make a living in their world?  Come see, as they find work in Solstice, in Blackwood, and all over their world.

If you've wondered which of my works might be the easiest introduction, this might be it.  I mess with genre restrictions less here than elsewhere, and, of all my novels, it might be the most that's the most purely entertaining.  

And if you want to get a feel for it beyond the description and excerpt on Gutenberg, Chapter 12 is here.