Friday, December 11, 2020

(Free) Ebooks Update

Updated January 25, 2025

My ebooks are on Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press, at, complete with descriptions and excerpts.  They're pdf ebooks, all free, and always will be.

Note: To read or download a book from Gutenberg, it appears you'll have to create an account there now.


First, the published (not self-published) biography I wrote (free pdf):

The Neglected Giant: Agnes Meyer Driscoll






Aunt Gabby Saves the Universe





Ghost Mode





Roads Between Worlds






Shadows Between Worlds












Across the Worlds with Aimee and Phineas






Department G




Note: As of November 2023, at least, to read or download any of the books on Gutenberg appears to require logging into an account there.

Note: As of November 2023, at least, to read or download any of the books on Gutenberg appears to require logging into an account there.

Note: As of November 2023, at least, to read or download any of the books on Gutenberg appears to require logging into an account there.

A House Between Worlds
Note: To read or download any of the books on Gutenberg appears to require logging into an account there.

I'll update this entry as I write, revise and ready new works.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

US Gummint Cunning Man

Since posting this, I've removed my books from Amazon, and am moving them to Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press.  They're all pdf ebooks, all free, and always will be.

See my entry Ebooks Update for links to all of my free ebooks.

Shade mammoths, iron buffalo, and dodos; honeyberries, lightning pines, and mistle…

It's 1840 in the United States, but a different country from the one we know.  Magic has been known for tens of thousands of years, and the only reason the colonies freed themselves from British domination is that Pennsylvania Rifles outrange the tyrannical power of Mastery.

The colonies haven't gotten far into the interior yet; a different man from Thomas Jefferson was born in this different world, no one sent a Lewis or Clark to cross the continent, and any such expedition would have had to fight their way through undervines and dust wolves and more.

Zebulon Japheth Wright finds himself in a pivotal position.  Even though he grew up just another hunter-farmer, he knows about yet another danger: society's suspicion of people who might be witches, especially slave liberators, gets those people attacked.

What Wright will do with the power he finds he has, how he will use it in a society of individuals that distrusts individual power, and how his use of it will shape both him and his society, underlies a tale of magic, exploration and adventure.

* * *

I'll explain in a minute how this novel came to be, since it's pertinent.  Meanwhile, do I wish I hadn't let this one sit the way I did, because underlying the adventure is the issue of personal power, because of course that's what magic is.  #Metoo, BLM…this novel is more timely now than ever before, and I wish I'd put it out a year ago.  But better late…

* * *

The original draft of this novel started in October 2011, and got to novella length by June 2012.  At which point I realized that, despite an immense amount of world-building, I'd made a fundamental error as far as story was concerned, and so what would have been my second novel got put aside.

Flash-forward to May 2018, when I decided to tackle this again.  I fixed my world-building mistake (witches no longer require familiars), and started over.  I got a draft I was happy with done in November…at which point Department G seized my imagination, and this got put aside again.

We get to this year, and pretty much all summer covid blues had me not wanting to write…but willing to revise.

All of which is a long-winded explanation for how I can put a novel out only two months after my last one.  No, I can't write one that fast (or at least I never have), and, no, I didn't slap together something slipshod.  But if I take time off from writing, I've got stuff stockpiled.  And if I need to take that time off, well, that's why I have a stockpile.

* * *

The ebook ($.99) and trade paperback ($7.49) are both available; I'll put the ebook on sale for free in a couple of weeks, and will announce it in the blog.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


The law enforcement official on the left is wearing a QAnon patch
Heard of "QAnon"?  Wonder what it is?  Well, here's a one-sentence summary, emphasis mine:

QAnon is the umbrella term for a sprawling set of internet conspiracy theories that allege, falsely, that the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who are plotting against Trump while operating a global child sex-trafficking ring.

Want another reliable source?  Try the BBC, which shouldn't share any US biases (emphasis, again, mine):

At its heart, QAnon is a wide-ranging, unfounded conspiracy theory that says that President Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media.

In another words, it's another conspiracy theory with no basis in fact, belonging on the lunatic fringe.

So is it staying out of the mainstream, belonging only to lunatics?  I will add this quote, which speaks for itself:

When asked his opinion on QAnon during a press conference, President Trump claimed not to know much about it, saying: "I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate", remarks which have been interpreted by some as tacit approval for the conspiracy.

Way to ensure an informed electorate, Mister President.  Should I be surprised that "they like me" is when you stopped paying attention?

Anyway, for the rest of us, this is just one more preposterous conspiracy theory.  Something else to mislead the misguided.  Don't give it credence.

Seriously.  I mean, if you find QAnon plausible, why not go whole hog, and believe these too?
⦁    The US Constitution secretly wants us to follow Congress, not the president:
Take the first 24 prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89), and find those words (2nd, 3rd, 5th, etc.) of the Constitution, and you get the following:

"The people the states form more justice domestic the welfare secure ourselves do and for all be in states of senate house be second."

Clearly the Founders' prime intention was to say that we and the states could secure justice and domestic welfare for ourselves if we made ourselves second whatever the Senate and House go with.  See?  It's been there all the time!
Too long-winded?  How about these, which have just as much basis in fact:
⦁    Omniscient God always knew what the Trump administration would be like, and knew it even at the Creation.  He decided He would not hide His feelings about it.  And that's why the sky is blue.
⦁    How can Trump be so oblivious to reality?  Well, the aliens who took over the Kremlin got to him on his first trip to Moscow, and took over his brain too.
⦁    Why does he have such weird hair?  To hide the electrodes, duh.
⦁    President Trump is not qualified to be president, anyway, since he wasn't born in the United States.  He came out of a lab in Wuhan, China.

I can come up with more that are at least as ridiculous, but I hope you see the light already.  Get the facts, apply critical thinking, and proceed using logic and skepticism.

That way we will no doubt secure more justice domestic the welfare.  Ourselves.