But they were more than that, far more. Grendel and his mother were living creatures. And they were more than relics. We know, because their descendants live today. We just don't think of them as Grendels anymore. We lump them in with serial killers.
And we dismiss any hint of supernatural ability.
Department G was formed at a British professor's insistence, as an American parallel to Britain's MI-G. The department's Team One has a proud tradition of protection…and an increasingly impossible task of providing Americans that protection, without causing too much risk, or panic.
Impossible means lethal.
This is a near-future science fiction novel, in a world that isn't ours but only differs in the detail of Grendels. Those serial-killing creatures make it horror as well, comparable I think in frightfulness to Patricia Cornwell's early Scarpetta novels. (If it's comparable in any other way I am blessed indeed.) The e-book is $3.99, and the trade paperback $11.49 (priced for the same royalty either way).
I just don't want horror fans to be surprised by the science fiction elements, and vice-versa. Happy reading!
My novels, novellas and collections are at Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press. They're all pdf ebooks, all free, and always will be.
See my entry Ebooks Update for a full list, or on Gutenberg at http://self.gutenberg.org/Authors/KevinWadeJohnson